Businesses, Retirement Homes, Colleges, Organizations
For Your Employees, Residents, Students, Members
A variety of wellness classes are available for people of all ages. These can be offered as a special event or on-going classes and held either in-person or on-line. Jane Marie is fully vaccinated and has clearances, insurance, and CPR certification.
Yoga (on a mat) - gentle or power, beginner to advanced
Chair Yoga - for younger or older bodies
Office Stretching - In your work attire in your office
Meditation - guided or how to establish a practice
Breathing Practices
Posture / Back Care / Techneck Relief
Balance / Fall Prevention
Stress Management
Labyrinth Walking
Successful Aging
Brain Games
Happiness: How to experience more daily joy
Specialized Wellness Topics
Sorry, the Bunny Snuggles program has been discontinued.
Contact Jane Marie to discuss your organization's needs: